It's a Practce of Compassion

What you are seeking is also seeking you. This includes your relationships...but if the "one" showed up at your door...would you even recognize it?

Well, the first step in attracting this person into your life is to believe they actually exist. You aren't going to bring anything into your life that you don't believe in.
I could tell you a million times that there is food at the grocery store, but until you take it upon yourself to believe there is food at the grocery store, you will never find it...and surely it will never find you.

This is true for love.

If your belief systems tells you that you are broken, too old, too fat, too good, too not be loved...then you will never be open for love. You definitely cannot receive anything you are not open to receive.

I don't know where I am going with this, but obviously I need to go back inward for awhile. Hence the changing of the diet and it's that time of year where I can start walking to work again...which is awesome.

Time to sit back, observe, and that aspect of my life...while becoming a better person...
Growth...progress is happiness.

Life coach certification classes start in a week. This is a HUGE step in my life and I am very honored to even be considered.

The woman that I will be working with is a successful psychotherapist specializing in Jungian psychology...or analytical psychology...among other amazing things.
But Jungian psychology is focused on becoming a whole individual...and the quest to do so. Something that speaks to me on the daily.

While my faith tells me that faith alone is enough, that is not the belief of everybody.
I do believe I was sent here to help provide comfort and give direction to those who need it. I do this through art, songs, food, a kind ear, etc.

"You're easy to talk to."
"I feel like I've met you before."
"How do I know you?"
"I don't know why I just told you all of that."

It can be rather exhausting and why I will spend an enormous amount of time alone.

I do believe that by helping people we guide them towards their higher purpose and their higher power.

It's a practice of compassion.


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