Making It Now: 4 Steps to Success

The best time to do anything is right now.

Hesitation is one of our biggest enemies in the world of getting things done. For a long time in my life I would put things off until the last minute then scramble to put it together. This can work as some of us work well under pressure, but in my experience a little planning can go a long way.
Here are some of my tips on getting things accomplished.
  1. Make a list
    Writing things down takes an idea out of our minds and puts into the real world. This is an important step because ideas without action are simply that..and idea. The first action is to make it real by writing it down.
  2. Do it
    I know I have many lists with things uncrossed. It is very important when you have big goals to break it down into its parts and slowly accomplish them. Big goals can be very daunting. Want to make a million dollars in a year? That seems like an unrealistic goal, but if you could break it down into $2,000 a day, then break that down into selling 200, $10 items, it doesn’t seem that big now.
  3. Review it
    See what is working and what is not. There is no point in pounding your head against the wall in an effort to get through the wall if going over the wall or through the door is a better route. We must evaluate our progress as we move towards our goals. If something isn’t working, adjust and move on.
  4. Accept failure, but not defeat
    There is no direct path to completing most of our goals. There is no direct path for a river to get to the ocean, but it does eventually. We must see the same when we are trying to accomplish something big. A failure is simply a turn in the river, it happens. The only time we are defeated is when we quit.
It is very easy to get discouraged when things don’t work out, but if we come to the realization that every step towards our goals is a good step. Even if we fall flat on our face at least we are falling forward. Sometimes we must rely on momentum to get us through the rough parts. When things are going well, keep pushing. When things don’t go so well, don’t go with them.

Follow these 4 little steps and I do believe you will have success in anything you choose to venture into. Nothing happens overnight even when it seems to. An overnight success usually takes years of planning.

As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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