How to Save A Life

Take Massive Action

Getting out of your comfort zone is a good practice, but it is very hard to do these days.  Everywhere we go we are bombarded with comfort.  Food?  Have it in an instant.  Need to rest?  Hotels and motels dot the highways.  Spas, bars, massage parlors, and gentleman's clubs.  Whatever we need to "relax" is right at our fingertips.  Sounds great, doesn't it?

For me, not really.

For too long I sat in comfort as many of us do.  I ballooned up to 242 lbs, which by today's standards, really isn't that bad, which is kind of a shame really.  But it was too big for me.  So, I took massive action.  I needed to.  I needed to shake things up.

Anyone can do this in their life if they need to.  If you are stuck in a rut, the most perfect thing you can do is take massive action.  DO SOMETHING.

Pick up the phone, make the call.  Go visit that friend you need to make amends with.  Chances are, they either don't care or it is bugging them just as much as it is bugging you.

It is going to take a period of adjustment, but we are quite literally still on this planet because of our ability to adapt.  There will be a little bit of anxiety at first, but you can overcome that.  It is merely our body's fight or flight response trying to keep us alive.

It's the same response that keeps us from asking that girl out on a date to asking our boss for a raise.  But as we all know the saying "Ask and ye shall receive."  Maybe not always the way you would think though.

I am reminded of a story of a friend who really wanted a new kitchen in his house.  This is a good time to remind everyone that when you are asking the universe for something, be very specific.  This friend dreamed of having a new kitchen, so in response, his current kitchen caught fire.  He got his new kitchen and his homeowner's insurance paid for it.  Win-win?

It's your life, do what you want with it.  At anytime you can pick up and go.  It won't always be easy, but as long as you keep your head about you, it will be worth it.

As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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