You're Still In The Game

Go and get it. If it means going through hell 1,000 it...because one of these times it is going to be worth it.

That's what keeps me in the game.

At anytime you can give up...go back to the locker it quits. You have that option.

But on your deathbed...looking around at what you have done with your you want to say
"I did it"
"Wait! One more shot!" ?

I don't care if you are 75 years still have life in still are here for a reason.
When I get down on life...I call my sweet 88 year old know what she says after almost a century of being on this rock?

"Still here, thank God"

Damn right...still here...

I saw my father give up.  I saw the life taken out of him.  There was a time when I was giving him hundreds of dollars to support himself.  He stayed with me for awhile in my mid 20s.  I was DJing at the time and I would get paid in hundred dollar bills if they had them.  My father asked me for money to pay for insurance or something like that.  Later that day, I would see the hundred I gave him go across the bar for another round.  I told him he had to leave.  My apartment wasn't big enough for the both of us.

This would happen on and off throughout our relationship.  I would do my best to find him work so he would not have to take money from me.  He didn't mind working, but when he was in a bad spot, he would take a handout.  I am not coming down on the man, he just was lost and could not find his way back.

Eventually he would find his way back into my life in my early 30s.  It was nice having him there, he would mow the lawn and take care of things around the house.  But I am here to say, this is not good for a young man trying to establish himself.  In my opinion it is the man's job to take care of the yard and do those manly things.  My father would never give up those reigns and he did them in my marital home.  I know he was just trying to make himself useful as a member of the household, but it hindered my progress into becoming a man.

I eventually left that house and he went out to stay with my brother in North Dakota.  He would come back and eventually find me again.  This would be the last time.  He was never going to change.  He just wanted to drink his beer, eat his bacon, and live out his days.

I came home one night, he was on the back deck and drunk, this was the usual.  But on this particular day I had enough.

My ex was taking me for 800 a month in spousal support, 830 with back payments.  I had to battle a contempt case, they put a warrant out for my arrest, I had just got done my stressful weekend doing my music festival, my father had broke the axle on his car, and was now depending on me for transportation.  I snapped.

"You gotta go."

Well he went.  Sure enough.  The next morning I talked with him and told him I would go get his car and put it in the shop.  Once that was fixed he would have to find somewhere else to live, I needed to move on with my life.

It would never get that far.  I came home that evening to find him in my bed, which was weird.  I woke him up and asked what he was doing.

"Oh, we had a party"

Oh great...he's drunk.  So I get him into his own bed to find him the next morning in the corner trying to fix a box fan.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

"Fixing this fan for Shawn."

Shawn is my older half brother who neither one of us had seen in years.

"Dad, what year is it?"

"Oh, I don't know, 1976?"

My father had lost his mind overnight.

Later we would find out he had a massive stroke that sent him into full blown dementia.  He would live the last 8 months of his life that way and eventually passed last June.

The point of this is...don't ever give up.  I don't care how big the odds are, how much it seems like it isn't going to work easy it would be if you just gave in.

It's not what you want, it's not what the world needs.

You're still in the still have a go.

As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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