Your Thoughts Are The Key To Happiness

Unlock Your Mind, Unlock Your Potential

It wasn't too long ago that I was an obese, smoking alcohol abuser.  I didn't have much going in my life and really didn't see too much for my future.  I didn't really concern myself too much with it.  I did what made me feel good and didn't really care about much else.  "Do what makes you happy."  That is a dangerous line of thinking, especially for those of us who like to indulge in the immediate sources of "feel good".

I am all for doing what makes us happy, but what we must realize is we should focus on the long term happiness, not the short term happiness.  If we focus on what makes us happy right now, that is all we will chase.

But, onto the root of the matter.  Our thoughts.  Our thoughts and words have power beyond what we could ever imagine.  Everything we have on this earth that is man made started as a thought.  We have the power to create whatever we want.  We have the power to create our own reality.  We truly do.

Take some time to think today about everything that you have in your life.  At some point it was just a dream in your head.  From the job that you have, maybe the car that you drive, the house that you live in.  At some point you put it in your head that you wanted it and eventually out into the world it came.  Now, imagine if you envisioned more.  We are only limited by what our thoughts limit us to.  I know this sounds kind of out there, but it has been true in my life.  When I thought I wasn't capable of more, I got exactly what I thought I was capable of.  When I lowered my standards of life and thought "This is good enough." that's exactly what I received.  As I started to change my belief system and ask the creator for more, I got more.  When I started to believe I was meant for more and started doing more, more came into my life.

This way of thinking has lead me down the road I am on now.  I went from having no measurable income at one point to grossing nearly 60 thousand last year.  My story isn't even that great.  I know people who went from nothing and in a matter of 5 years are pulling in 6 figures, owning houses, and living their dreams.  It is possible.  People do it all of the time and it all started with a thought.

Change your thoughts, change your life...get to work.

As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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