Your Thoughts Suck, Not You.

Change your thoughts, change your life!

Imagine for a second that you are in complete control of your destiny.  Anything that you want good, you can have.  All you have to do is go get it.

In life we are bombarded by outside sources telling us what we should and shouldn't do.  From the TVs on our walls, the books that we read, our parents, our friends, our spouses, the Internet, the radio, and many other outside sources.  They all quite literally make us think in certain ways.  Repeat something enough and it becomes the truth.  This is true for good things and for not-so-good things.

Personally, I wasn't always a spiritual man.  I was raised catholic and as soon as I was able, I quit going to church.  I found it to be a waste of time.  But the truth is, I wasn't listening to the message.

How many of us are going through life listening to the wrong message?  I know I was.  I know a lot of people who were and many who still are.  We are very easily manipulated and we don't even know it.  Scientists have studied our habits and there are people out there who will use those habits against us.  This includes the people on the TV, that person at the bar, your neighbor down the street, and yes, sometimes even our own family.

Do yourself a favor and shut it all out.  It's very hard to get to a quiet spot these days and many of us don't have the discipline to do so.  We have this need to be constantly connected.  Even right now as you are reading this you are probably getting a text or a notification about your Facebook post.

Go ahead, check it, I will wait.

We are going through life and we aren't even realizing that we are being controlled.  They have become that good at it.

As you go through  your day I would invite you to really think about your words, thoughts, and actions.  Are they actually yours?

When a negative thought comes into your head about anything, think to yourself:

"Who put that there?"

The majority of the time, the thoughts aren't our own.  They are thoughts we have picked up from somewhere else.

Take some time today and be alone in silence.  Find out who you really are on the inside and let that start coming out, for it's much more beautiful than the world allows you to think.

As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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