Your Body Is Your Vehicle

Disclaimer...I wrote this on March 30, 2016

To Your Health

Today I want to talk a little bit about your vehicle.

Not that man made vehicle sitting in your driveway with a 500 mile past due oil change and a cracked windshield. Because that is not your vehicle, that's mine. lol No, no...I am talking about your life vehicle.

Your body.

Your body is the only thing you have to get you through this adventure we call life. Now I don't know about you, but I have gotten myself is some poor situations because I did not take care of my car before a big trip. There were things I knew I needed to do, but I ignored them. Those tires will make it another 3,000 miles....even though my mechanic said “Hey, your tires are just about worn through!” 
Bah, what does he know? 
Many of us do this to our bodies. We won’t even listen to our mechanic, our doctor. “Sir/Ma’am you need to lose weight.” “Bah, what does he know?” Oh I don’t know, it’s only his job. Then again a lot of people take care of their car, better than they do their own bodies. What use is that car going to be when you are too sick to drive it?
I would invite you to start and start with one thing. What one thing today will you do to start repairing your vehicle? You can start with your wheels and go for a walk. You can start with your gas tank and eat a salad with a light dressing...this will also help your exhaust system....HA HA.
I had gotten myself in a poor position because I did not take care of my life vehicle. I was 30 and dying before I had even lived. I started with my body and got my results, but my mind was still not at ease. I had to fix my brain. I had to believe in myself more. I achieved the results that I wanted on the outside and I sat in it. “THERE! I DID IT! I AM DONE.” and the universe said to me....”OH NO YOU AIN’T! I have more in store for you and if you deny me, you will go back to that 242 lbs” It started to happen. I was creeping back up to 200 and I said....”Wooooah! Wake up Richard!” and I started looking at my life.

What was next?

Quitting smoking, losing weight, those were just steps in a much bigger process. My next step was to unchain myself from this desk. This is not what I was meant to do and every time I removed myself from the corporation, I moved closer to my dream.
You have one life to live, don’t wait until your death sentence to live it.

As always thank you for your time and attention.


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