You Become What You Think About

So make sure you think about good stuff.

If you have read any of my stuff in the past you will realize that I firmly believe in the reaping and sowing process.  If you look all around in nature you can see all of the signs.  When you plant wheat, you get wheat, when you plant corn, you get corn.  Now along with these plants come weeds.  This is part of nature.  In our mind when we plant positive thoughts, we also get the negative thoughts.  It is our duty to weed on a daily basis.

This whole thing is a process and it starts slowly.  One does not simply buy an acre of land and produce a bounty of produce.  You must till the land, make the soil fertile, and after many seasons your soil becomes more easily worked.  The mind is the same way.  Everyday we must work the soil of our mind by tilling up the old thoughts and clearing the land for new seeds.

A great way to clear the mind is meditation.  I used to think this was nonsense until my mind was so cluttered with negative thoughts that I had to do something.  I came across Holosync.  If you have never looked into it, there are free samples on YouTube.  These are also known as Binaural Beats.  If that isn't your flavor, try guided meditation.  There is no excuse to not meditate, it is proven to work, it is talked about all throughout history, and it is important in the journey freeing your mind.

After we learn the ability to clear the thoughts from our head we can start to plant new thoughts.  At first, I wasn't able to say much positive about myself so I dove right into motivational videos.  There is no lack of these now.  Back in the day you would have to go to seminars and get records or cassettes.  These days you hop right on the Internet and there are millions of samples.  After awhile they all start to sound the same and that is good.  It means you understand what they are getting at.  Pretty soon, you start to sound like them.  When people start talking negatively about themselves, these words that I have listened to thousands of times just pop right out of my head as if they were my own thoughts because they now are.

Listen, there is a reason rulers brainwash their people...because it works.  Repeat something enough times and it becomes your truth.  Change your thoughts, change your mind, change your life.  It sounds silly, but this one way to kill depression and anxiety.

For me, it is hope or help.  If it is not informational or inspirational it does not come into my head.  This might sound delusional or ludicrous, but it is the way I live.  I don't watch the news, I don't care about global warming, I don't listen to negative music.   I don't own a TV, video games, etc etc etc.  In my downtime I practice music, read books, write music, listen to motivational videos, study philosophy, or go out into the world and meet people.

We are not the first people to go through life.  If another man can be successful, any man can be successful.  We must work on self development.  We must be internally motivated to do the things we want to do in life.  A person will seldom exceed their level of personal development and for every skill we acquire we double our chances at success.

Well, that is pretty much all you need to know to get started.  So go...start clearing the soil of your mind for new thoughts.

As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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