You Are Going To Have To Do It

It’s not just a cliche saying, it is the truth.

We can hope, pray, want, believe, ask, beg, anything you can think of, but eventually, you are just going to have to do it. We can fill our heads with all of the knowledge in the world, but if we don’t apply the knowledge it is useless.

For a long time in my life, I knew things. I knew exactly what I needed to do and exactly how to do it, but failed to act.

Think about how many times in your life that an opportunity was placed in front of you and if you would have just taken the chance, perhaps your whole life would be completely changed.
That girl you wanted to ask out, she would be your wife right now. That job you saw posted in the paper, that would have been you career. That diet that you read all about, you would have lost the weight.

A failure to act is a huge problem is today’s society. Many of us, myself included at one time, just take what is handed to us, no matter how bad it is.

For a long time I took what was easy. The women, the jobs, even down to my diet. Whatever was easy, why work for anything? I spent 2 years on unemployment, not that I didn’t work outside of it, but I didn’t push myself to do much of anything. Quite frankly, I was pretty pathetic. I had let my life going completely to the dogs. I was an overweight, lazy, alcoholic. It was sad.
Eventually I did get my life turned around and there wasn’t a single person that did it for me. Sure, I had help along the way, but the path to weight loss is still something that YOU have to do it. No one can do it for you. Bypass surgery can fail, diets fail all of the time, your friends will stop going with you to the gym, etc. YOU have to do it. You have to. If you want to do ANYTHING in life, eventually you have to jump.
This is a call out to everybody, but especially men. If you aren’t where you want to be in life, it is your fault. Your failure to act has you stuck in a job you hate. Your failure to act is the reason why you are obese, why you have health issues, why you are financially troubled, and why you have any other issue in your life. I would invite you to man up and do something.
I have heard grown men blaming their own wives for the trouble in their life. Blaming their kids, their jobs, and whatever else you can think of. Blaming everything but the person that caused all of it in the first place.
If you want something in life, go and do it. Go get it. Act like it is already yours and work towards having it. That is all you have to do. JUMP! You will figure it out on the way down or die in the process. Either way, you die. Die in the stands or in the arena. It has no bearing on the rest of the world.
This is a message to myself as much as it is to anyone else.
As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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