This Is Only A Test

Be prepared and embrace it.

It wasn't too long ago that I had made a pretty bold statement to the universe.  My brother John had passed away and I was getting on with my life.  Standing in the gym one day just thinking about how I had gotten through all of that and pretty ego driven.  I kept saying "Is that all you got?". 

Basically begging the universe to bring me more. 

"C'mon, let's see what else you got...dead brother, that's nothing." 

Well I am here to tell you, the universe, God, whatever you want to choose to believe in brought it with such a strong force that it eventually humbled me into a puddle of human flesh.  At one point I was laying on my bed trying to think of how to end it all.  Just physically and mentally anguished.

In 2016, as fate would have it I got handed a little music festival called "The Austin Dam Show".  Again, I thought:

"How hard could this be?"

Well, I here to tell you, it was hard.  People that were supposed to be there bailed.  Instead of 150 to 200 people showing up about 450 people showed up.  By the end of the show the septic was backing up into the bathrooms.  The place was trashed, I was beat to death after 6 hours of sleep the whole entire weekend and there I stood.  The universe saying "You still want to do this?".

To tell you the truth, not really.  It sucked.  When it was all said and done I had to answer to all of the problems and really get none of the praise.  Just wondering, "Is this really worth it?".

It didn't matter, I wouldn't have time to think much on it.

Shortly after my father had a massive stroke that would throw him into full blown dementia.  After making my immediate family aware, I would post it on social media as that is the way of the world anymore.  A few days later I would get a message from the man who helped me advertise for the show.

"Hope all is well Rich, thinking of you."

My reply:

Hey thanks dude. Just another bump in the road."

To which he responded:

You bet! Hope the sun finds you well today, it's a beautiful one."

Ya know, it would be awhile and some other horrible things happened.  But eventually, the sun did show up again.  Little did I know about the seeds that were sown at that show.  They eventually would blossom into something pretty great.

If the universe is testing you right now, just relax and lean into it.  Smile and laugh if you can, for it will all work out in the end.  No matter how dark it seems, the sun will find you again.

As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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