The Power of Positive Patience

Just stick with it, it takes awhile.

If you are depressed, you didn't get there overnight and you won't be getting out of there overnight.

For years I wasted my life.  I did what felt good, always seeking outside sources of pleasure.  Booze, pornography, sex, more booze, bad food, whatever I could get my hands on to escape my own existence because I HATED what I had become.

There were times when I had some thoughts about myself and my life. 

"What are you doing?  Is this really it?  Is this all you are capable of?"

I was raised to do slightly better and that's all I was really doing.  I had the job, the girl that everyone wanted, I had plenty of money or at least what I thought was plenty.  Don't get me wrong, I was doing some amazing things, BUT, my mind was being twisted.

It's a rough road to come out of.  It means forgetting everything you know.  When I found out we are actually supposed to live our lives, I was angry.

"Why didn't anybody tell me this?"

I finally came to the conclusion, they didn't know.  They were doing slightly better than those before them.  But, this is how it works, positive in...positive out.

Seems simple to me now, but I had to remove a lot of people from my life.  Almost everyone I knew, but the good thing is, you attract way better people.

Well, this is how.  Self development.  Start today.

Personally for me it was motivational videos every morning, noon, and after dinner.  YouTube is now loaded with them.  We no longer have to go to the seminars, we have a seminar in our back pocket.

I will warn you, it will sound like nonsense at first.  We are so negative that it is going to take A LOT of positive thinking to get our ships turned around, but it will happen.  For me, took about 3 or 4 years.  Doing this along with weight loss, healthy diet, divorce, removing all of the negative people and everything that reminded me of them.  It takes heart, it takes drive, it takes discipline.  If you don't have these things, go get them before you waste your time.

Freedom from mental slavery is available for all if you would take the time to do it.  There are very few things that get to me anymore and if they do I can turn them off in a second if I want.

I control my thoughts, I control what comes in and what doesn't.  You can do it too, but you have to start and you have to do it everyday.

Learn to love yourself by becoming a person that you would want to love.  By doing that you won't worry about most things.  You won't worry if your spouse truly loves you because you will know that your love comes from inside.  You will know that you don't have to depend on outside sources for true happiness because it emanates from you.  People will want to be around you all of the time.

It's possible.  Change is possible if you would just believe for a second and start.  Do it today.

As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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