This Is Why You Are Not Happy

You Are Attracting The Wrong People

Take a look around you.  Everything in your life that you have,  you have attracted it.  One way or another everything in your, good and bad, is there because of you.  If you are overweight, you ate the food.  If you are in an unhappy marriage, you attracted and married that person.  The key to happiness is becoming the person that attracts good things into your.  Sounds simple, eh?  Well, it's a process and like any other process, there is some pain involved.

That day when you finally say "I have had it!" will be the greatest day of your life.  This is when you can begin to change.  When you have finally had enough and you aren't going to take it anymore.  After that you can finally start taking a real good look at your life and the people in it.  But, what you must realize is that it is not enough to simply remove these people from your life.

There are a couple of ways to go about changing your life and the people in it.  The first way is to just remove those people from your life.  I will warn you, this is what I did, and it gets lonely.  You are going to go through a lot of pain, but in the process you will find yourself.  When you get alone where it is quiet and really start to think about what you value in life you can really start making some changes.

We don't realize how influenced we are by outside sources.  I know I went about life living it by other people's standards.  A cookie cutter life I call it.  Go to school, go to college, get a job, get married, get a house, I was on my way to having or adopting children.  Not that it wouldn't be a good life.  Not that I don't want that....I just didn't want it with the people I was with and I certainly didn't want to be stuck in the corporate machine.  But I digress.

The second way and I believe it to be a little less painful is to just start the process of self development.  By doing this we will push away the negative people and start attracting the positive people.  Think about it.  If you quit smoking, I bet you quit hanging around with smokers.  Some people might do it because they feel high and mighty about not being a smoker anymore.  But truly, you just won't be going out for smoke breaks and by default, those people disappear. 

The same will happen when you start becoming a positive person.  The negative people in your life will either follow suit or they will start to reject you or you will start to not want to be around them.  It is not the greatest feeling in the world to lose friends, but it happens.  New people and better people will come into you life, I guarantee it.

When building the life you want to live the unfortunate truth is this:  It all starts and ends with YOU.  Now, given that information what will you do with it?  The majority will scoff it off using their ego.  "Who is this random writer to tell me it is my fault?"  Truth be told, I am nobody.  Just a man who had life toss him around by his ego and spit him back out a humbled mess.  Just here to tell my story and hopefully it strikes one or two people and saves them from the pain I went through.  That is all.

As always, thank you for your time and means the world to me.

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