Just Say Thanks For Everything

An Attitude Of Gratitude

It gets hard in life to see the positive in things.  We live in such a negative world.  All over the TV, the news, the Internet we see and hear messages telling us that we are not enough, that the world is in chaos, that their is suffering everywhere.  This could not be further from the truth.  We are closer now than we have ever been to a major breakthrough in our society.

I have had this discussion many times, but humanity is actually doing one heck of a job at being good.  We are now approaching 8 billion people on the planet and for the most part, we get along just fine despite what the TV tells you.

When people ask me what I think of what is going on I tell them, it is just not true.  Sure, there are some horrible things happening, but for the majority of people, we are living out our lives just fine.  If you would like some proof, go down the street and talk to your neighbor.  Everybody wants the same thing in life whether we know it yet or not.  We want peace and to be loved.  We want to have a sense of belonging, a higher purpose, to know that our life here was not wasted.

A lot of the hardships we face in life could be solved instantly if we could simply take some time to empathize.  Try and see things from another person's point of view.  Unfortunately, in today's society we are so wrapped up in "me" that most people forget that there is a "we".  Most people are getting up in the morning and their first thoughts are "What is good for me today?".

Gotta go "get mine".

Which is a fine thought, but there is one catch.  To get what we want in life and to have it to be right, we cannot impede on another person's journey.  Sure, we are all here and we are bound to bump into one another and transfer energy.  But what we cannot do is manipulate people into doing something in order to benefit from it without giving that person some benefit in their journey.

If someone is offering you something, by all means, take it.  For there would not be any giving without receivers.  You are helping that person on their journey by accepting their gifts.  What you ought not to do is beg, plead, or steal.  Make your request known to the universe and smile knowing that it will come to you in some way.  When it does, accept it, and say thank you.

That's all you need to do.

As always, thank  you for your time and attention.



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