It's All Your Fault!

and that's okay!

Look around you.  See what you have created.  It has all been done through you.  Your thoughts, words, and actions.  The people in your life, your financial situation, your job, your relationships, they are all part of your belief system.  If you don't like what you have created, change it, you are not a tree.

It is the greatest thing about humans.  The reason we are here and where we are today is because of our ability to adapt.  Now, we will adapt to any situation.  We must remember we are dealing with a primal brain that is not used to having all of these things at the touch of a button.  Access to food, clothing, shelter, sexual gratification, we have it all and we can have it all right now.  This is great on a lot of levels, but we have to be disciplined.

You want food, there's an app for that.  You want clothing, we have access to cheap and sometimes free clothing.  Shelter is abundant.  Sexual gratification?  Porn is EVERYWHERE.   Anything we want is calling to us.  Hitting that endorphin button on a constant basis.  The engineers of these apps, movies, TV shows, etc all know this.  They are using our primal brains for their own personal gain.

Listen, there is a way out of every situation you may have found yourself in.  Personally, I have been poor, I have been without a "job", I have lived in a tent, I have lived in a place with no running water.

It is all about the vision that you have for yourself.  I can recall when things weren't so well, I had a vision of myself in a clean place with no carpeting.  There wasn't anything in this place except me.  No furniture, I had things to cook with because my vision had me on the floor eating a plate of salmon that I had just cooked up...and when I had that vision, I cried tears of happiness.  I knew when I got to that point I would be on my way out and up.

Last August, that vision came true.  A clean place with no carpeting came onto the market for rent.  I scooped it up because I knew I had to be there.  I had an air mattress to sleep on and my mother gave me some old pots that I had purchased for her for Christmas one year.  It is a good thing I know a good pan!  I cooked up my salmon meal, not on the first night, but I had it...and it was good.

That got me thinking.  What else can I put into my vision and get to it?  I need to think bigger and that is what I am doing now, but steps.  We can have anything, but we can't have everything.

Decide now to take control of your life.  Take complete ownership of it.  Be aware, it is a painful process, but you must go through it.  I know what I have been through and the world will hear my story.  I will try to save others from going through the same.

We have the key.  It is in all of us.  We just have to find it.

As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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