A Change Will Do You Good

Be comfortable in change, it is what we are meant to do.

Getting to the root of who we are as humans has been something I have been interested in as of late.  In order to understand where we are going, we must first now where we have been.  Personally, we were able to trace part of my heritage back to William Wallace, which is cool.  Throughout history we can see the lessons of mankind, but unfortunately not a lot of us like to look at history.  If we did, we wouldn't repeat it so much, but I regress.

All along the path of humans to where we are now, the only constant has been change.  You ancestors were the strong, the lucky, and the adapted.  We must remember, our brain has not caught up to the way we live now.  Our monkey brain is still in adaptation.  We are still using the same brain that kept the cavemen alive and allowed us to survive as a species.  It wasn't until we were able to preserve and/or cook food that our brains really started to develop into what we know it as today.  Before that much of our day was spent doing the 4 Fs..


Once we settled down, we started focusing on other things.  But, we still have all of those survival mechanics in our brains.  It is our job to figure out how to teach the brain how to be comfortable in the uncomfortable.  This is how we beat anxiety.

There is no easy way to do this other than to put yourself in uncomfortable situations.  At first, our mind is going to go "GET OUT OF HERE!".  That is the survival mechanism trying to keep us alive.  We must breathe through it and calm ourselves with our thoughts.  Realize what it is and release that energy through our bodies and down through the earth.  For the earth can absorb all.

Now, this is not to say this feeling ever goes away.  It shouldn't, if it does, you can become sort of a sociopath.  Fear is good, to say you have no fear means you will be doing crazy stuff with no remorse for the outcome to you or those around you.  Being brave says "I know this is a burning building, I know I could die, but I will save the people anyway."  Being crazy says "A burning building!  Great!  Let's go in!."  Ya know...for funsies.

We can adapt to any situation we are in.  That is how we got here.  Once we learn how to control our fight or flight, we can be comfortable in most any situation.  It is just a skill set.  When we practice doing this we can rid ourselves of fear and anxiety or, in the very least. be comfortable in our own skin.

Much like a skydiver, we must be that way in the situations we fear.  Breathe deep, let go, and jump.  You will figure it out on the way down.

As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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