If You Say You Are Going To Do Something

Go and Do It...No Matter What

 Your word is your bond and it is powerful.  There is nothing worse than when someone says they are going to do something and then they don't do it.  "I'll be there!"  "Sure, I will help!"  Then when it comes time to do the thing, you can't find them.

There have been plenty of times in my life where I have said I was going to do something and I failed to do so.  These are hard lessons.  There are also times where I said I would do something and come time to do it, I really didn't feel like it, but I did it anyway.  Why?  Because I said I would.

I think the best practice would be to just do it.  The reason?  There is psychology behind it.  When we say we are going to do something and people give us positive feedback, it gives us a better feeling than actually doing the thing.  For instance if you say to someone "I am going to start in the gym tomorrow and my goal is to lose 50 lbs!" then they get all excited for you, you get all excited, and all of these feel good chemicals are rushing through your body...then the next day comes.   You actually have to lift the weights.  You actually have to eat that salad.  That doesn't feel as good...if you even make it that far.  Most people just say they are going to do it, get that good feeling, and never even signup for the gym...or they signup for the gym, get that good feeling, and never go.  This is why gyms try and get your to sign up for a year.  They get all of the money knowing you probably won't stick to it because it is hard.

When we say we are going to do something and then we don't we start to lose respect.  We lose the respect of other people and we lose respect for ourselves.  There are few things I would rather hear in life than "I was gonna"..."Well, I was gonna."  Oh you were?  When?  When you felt like it?  Next year perhaps?

My invitation to you would be...next time you want to say you are going to do something, really think.  "Am I going to do this or am I just saying this to feel good?"  Think about the steps it is going to take to do the thing you want to do.  Then, if you really want to do it...just go do it.  We don't need to hear the trumpets sound and make a big announcement over social media.  Just go do it...

As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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