Gotta Have Faith

Faith In Yourself

The story we tell ourselves everyday is key in becoming the person we want to become or the person we were meant to be...depending on your belief structure.  I don't believe the majority of the people in the world today understand the power of their thoughts and words.  It has been told to us and shown to us throughout history how important words can be.  There are some that believe the whole entire universe was created by simply speaking.

Now, there is more to building good self esteem and  good self confidence.  We must take action upon the things we are now saying or believing about ourselves.  If we look into the mirror and say "I am strong, I am confident, I greet people with a smile, I bring happiness into the world." then we must go out into the world and do these things.  Thoughts without actions remain just that...thoughts.

Personally, I have come to the conclusion that there is more to life than just what is on the surface.  Many people wander around this existence with no real purpose, just trying to get through the day.  I believe one of my purposes in life is to prove to people that we are the creators.  That we have the same powers available to us that created this universe.  All that we need to create is here and all we need to do to create is to ask, believe, and do it.

There is something very powerful about the ability to create something that was never here before.  To bring it out of our minds and into the world.  I don't believe many people actually sit and think about how or why this happens.  But I do believe it starts with belief in one's self then taking action and through him, we are able to create whatever we want in this world.  I have proven it a few times in my life.  There are things here now that were never here before thanks to the gifts that were given to me in thought...the belief that it could happen, the faith that it would happen, and then going and doing it.  I do believe we can do this in all areas in our lives for everything we have now started with a thought.

I would invite you to think about some of the things you have in your life.  I would invite you to stop consuming and start creating.  By doing this you will bring yourself closer to the creator and once you do that, you will be able to create whatever it is you want in this life.  The resources to do so are abundant...all you have to do is dream it, believe it, then go and do it...and never stop.  Never believe the voices that tell you that you can't.  Turn them off and turn on your belief system.

As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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