But I Prefer

When You Say "Yes!"

Say Yes - Langhorne Slim

Saying "Yes!" to most things in life.  How many times are we presented with an opportunity of some sort in life and our first reaction is to back down?  Sometimes we even say yes and then later on we back out.  The universe presents us with many chances in life to find the things that are seeking us.  We must look at every opportunity as a chance to find what we are looking for.  Even though it might not be obvious, you don't know what is going to happen and who you are going to meet in the process.

My case in point.  I took the opportunity to get involved with the PCVA (Potter County Visitors Assocation).  This was the local TPA (Tourist Promotion Agency) for Potter County in Pennsylvania, USA.  The whole mission of the group was to bring more tourists to Potter so they spend money and help our local businesses.  Unlike my colleagues who were supposed to get on boards and didn't, I seized the opportunity...because I wanted to keep my word and really...why not?

Part of the board's responsibilities was running 2 major events in Potter.  The God's Country Marathon  and The Austin Dam Show.  These helped raise money to go into the general fund for the PCVA.

Long story short, The Austin Dam Show was tossed into my lap to run in 2016.  I could have easily said..."Oh, no way, that is too much...Someone else is going to have to run it."  But instead I chose to go ahead and take it on.  I said "Yes!"...and oh boy...what a perfect storm.

Usually the show brings in about 150 people for a weekend.  I figured, no big deal, how hard could it be?  Well, this year we changed up how we did things and turned the show into a tribute show we coined "Classic Rock By The Classic Rock".  The show takes place by some dam ruins from a tragic flood that occurred in the early 1900s.  Hence the name of the show.  Well this particular year, everyone decided that were coming to our show.  In classic form, near everyone I expected to help me out bailed.  I was very fortunate to have some volunteers from years' passed help me out.  But all in all about 450 people showed up.  I got about 6 hours of sleep the entire weekend and needless to say...I was exhausted and things went as well as one could have them go.  Everyone complimented the show, but I knew I could do better.

In 2017, I had a plan and things went way smoother, we had about 550 or so people there including the audience, volunteers, bands, vendors, etc.  There were only 2 small incidents, I got a lot more sleep, and felt really good about things...and this year's show will be even better.

Thanks to me saying "Yes!" I have met some of the most beautiful people on the planet that have now become my dear friends.  The little festival that could holds a giant place in my heart now.  To think, I used to say "Nothing but a bunch of hippies down there!"...I was right about that...but I was wrong about the show.  It is one of the best weekends on the planet.  Filled with love, laughter, music, food, and memories.

I have said yes to a lot of other things since then.  They don't always pan out, but they are always worth it.  I would invite you to say yes more often and follow through.  You never know.

As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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