What Are You Doing?

Your 24 Hours

This is an interesting topic.  We all have the same amount of time in a day.  For most of us 9 or 10 of those hours are committed to the workplace.  30 minute commute, 4 hours, lunch hour, 4 hours, 30 minute commute, home.  Those commute times can easily be filled with great audio books.  In the summer time it takes me about 15 to 20 minutes to walk to work and I fill that time with motivational videos or an audio book.  YouTube is fantastic.  I spend the money on YouTube Red so I don't have to worry about the ads.  YouTube changed my life.  Through it I found a bunch of fitness friends, I have watched about every single Elliott Hulse video there is.  Like anything else, there is a lot of nonsense, but the hidden gems are so delicious.

Before I changed my life...my 24 hours used to consist of, well...not a whole lot.  Kind of existing, handling things as they came at me...no real plan.  I spent a lot of time sleeping, playing video games, boozing it up, and other general nonsense.  I always worked, but my down time was wasted.  I wasted a lot of time in my 20s.

Now that I am wiser, I usually wake up around 4 or 5, pray, listen to some motivational videos, get my IG Your Morning Thought post up.  Exercise, play guitar, go to work.  I might stop for a beer after work, but that is rare anymore unless it is with purpose.  Promoting the Dam Show or in celebration of something good in my life...the occasional hockey game.

I think there will always be this constant struggle.  There are so many distractions in life these days.  So many ways to turn off your brain.  Temporary bits of pleasure to keep you going until  you fall asleep at night, feeling somehow unfulfilled.  Time went by, but did I accomplish anything?  I have money, there is all of this stuff around...I have everything I need...Why do I feel some completely incomplete?

I get this a lot "You should take it easier on yourself!".  Well, I did that, for a very long time...I took it very easy on myself.  It was bad.  So, I am finished with taking it easy on myself.  Now, in retrospect, I should have taken it easier on other people.  Not everyone has this mentality.  I used to hold everyone to these ridiculous standards...which all that mean was I was actually saying "WHY CAN'T THESE PEOPLE BE MORE LIKE ME?"  Well, Richard, because that would suck.

So realize, if you go down this path, it gets lonely sometimes.  But I enjoy the alone time.  Nobody is blowing up the phone at 4 a.m...they are all still busy sleeping.

Before you go to sleep tonight, plan out tomorrow.  What will you do with your 24?


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