Surround Yourself With the Positive

OQP Only Quality People

Okay!  So now up to this point I have been on my weight loss journey.  Changing my life...gaining confidence...people are noticing...feeling pretty good about myself.

Bring on the negative people and the negative thoughts they bring into your life.

It will always be amazing to me the ability of people to make everything about themselves.  It will also always amaze me the ability of some people to turn something very positive into something very negative.  These kinds of people are so negative that if they walked into a dark room they would start to camera film from the old days.

I took control of my life and decided to lose weight and get healthy.  This was a very personal decision and a very hard road.  Some of the responses I no particular order

Your head looks too big now.
You are losing too much weight.
It's easy for you.
Don't you think you have lost enough?
You are just going to gain it back.

There are others, but for the sake of this blog and this post...I will save them

Listen, this is one the hardest lessons I had to learn.  Get rid of these people.  There is little you can do for them.  They have gone down a path in their life that is so shrouded in darkness that everything that happens...everything that they see...they just pick the one negative thing and harp on it.  These are the same people that will look at a successful person and make excuses about why they could never be that way.  "Well, his parents had money."  "Well...she got a settlement in a lawsuit.."  "Well...their dog isn't very nice at all."  ad nauseam.

Get yourself around some positive people that are doing some positive things with their life.  It will change your outlook.  If you are having trouble finding those people, go to where positive people hangout.  Libraries, church, the gym, parks, etc.

Negative thoughts.  This was a hard one for me.  My older brother was a constant source of negativity.  Growing up, I never heard much positive from him...and still.  He will make comments about how ugly I am...or just stupid negative garbage...bringing up mistakes that I made in my youth...things we all do.  I had a major hurdle to overcome.  When you are spoon fed these ideas about yourself all of your life, it is hard to get over it.  Sometimes we need to hear it from the outside before it starts coming from the inside.  This is where motivational videos entered my life.  Every morning I would start with one.  Specifically Les Brown.  I would listen to this man on repeat daily.  It changed my life for the better...and would lead me to the next part of my life...self improvement.

As always...
Thank you for your time and attention!


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