Other People's Opinions

Don't Matter 

"Everyone's a critic."

I guess first off...What I don't want people to get out of this post is that we shouldn't be critical of ourselves.  We should.  We should take other people's opinions and use them to check ourselves.  What I want to get across is for when you have moments of doubt because of others, ignore it.  People will say such things as "You're such a loser,  what makes you think you can do this or that?"  Don't listen to those people.  Those people can even be your closest family members or "friends".

On the other hand of that, if you are doing something like...playing guitar for instance...and someone comes up to you with advice.  "Hey, you might want to drop D on that song or capo up and see how it sounds."  Take their advice...and try it out.  You have nothing to lose in that scenario.  Let us not let our egos get so big that we can't at the very least take a different look at ourselves or our craft.

There will also be people who don't agree with your life changes, especially if it casts light on their shortcomings.  I went on a weight loss journey not too long ago and people reacted negatively to it.  I quit smoking prior and heard comments such as "You'll be back to smoking in no time."  The first time I went to put down my e-cig a friend of mine said "Well, you have to have something."  Like I need an addiction to some chemical to get along in life.  When I quit drinking for awhile, same idea.  People are strange.  I think we should remember a lot of times they are speaking to their own insecurities, not ours.  Just because they failed at some venture in their life, they believe you will fail too.  Heed their warnings of failure points, but don't let it stop you.  Always listen to the critics and the failures...they leave good clues about pitfalls.  In the same sense, success leaves clues.  There have been plenty of people that have come before us that we can look to for advice on how to get through this life.   There is nothing new under the sun, that is for sure.

In conclusion, expect to make mistakes.  Expect to fall, expect to fail.  No one that has ever done anything in this life has had an easy path, don't expect yours to be.  Make sure you take the lessons from your failures and from other people's failures.

Keep moving forward, even falling flat on your face is still forward momentum.

As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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