Motivation is Fickle, Discipline is Key

Motivations is Fickle, Discipline is Key 

New year, new me time!  Everyone, well most everyone, is excited about the opportunity of a clean slate, a new year, a new outlook, and of course, our new year's resolution.  Today, many are headed into the gym for the first time or starting that new diet or have that new weight loss system...lord knows there are about a million out there.

In my life, my change came about when my doctor, Dr. Barke (bless this man) sat me down and had an honest conversation about my weight.  Here is my tip, don't take weight loss advice from an obese doctor...their heart ain't in Barke was a thinner man, he handed me some documentation and gave me 6 months for marked improvement or I was going to start therapy to figure out why I wasn't taking care of myself.  This was about 4 or 5 year ago now...and I believe this will be my 3rd year headed into the gym at resolution time.

After my conversation with Dr. Barke, I knew I had to do something.  I did not want to go to a therapist and I also did not want to disappoint my doctor.  So my options were to stop going to the doctor, which I couldn't because I was on Rx that needed approved every 6 months...go to therapy...Which, well, no....or get head on into a life change.  Life change...and this took me down a path of great adventure. I cherish the memories.

I started small, small changes.  I knew I really like these vegan griller burgers from Morning Farms.  I would have those for lunch in every way possible you could imagine.  I started to incorporate other ideas...You can see these throughout my Instagram page.  Meatless Mondays, Tuna Tuesdays, on and on and on.  I was a vegetable and lean protein eating food.  My fats came from nuts, fish, avacado, olive oil, fish oil.  I was the epitome of health.  The weight started to melt off.

For exercise I started simple.  I had a curl bar that I had lugged around with me since I was in high school.  It was my brother's, it had a couple small weights and I was able to add more as time went on.  I had a recumbent bike that I had purchased at an earlier time with the thoughts of getting in shape.  I purchased a step machine as well.  The curl bar sat on the couch in the living room and I used it all of the time.  Playing video games was big for me back then, the NHL games, so in order for me to play the game I would purchase credits from the curl bar.  40 curls = 1 one game.

So, the 6 months go by...I am back in Dr. Barke's office 40 lbs lighter and in a lot better spirits.  We run the blood tests my cholesterol had gone from 233 down to 141.  I explained to him what I was doing and he rejoiced saying "sounds like you want to live a fit and healthy lifestyle"...Indeed.

Small changes over time equal big changes overall.  The discipline to do the thing even when you don't really feel like it, is key.  If you can do the right thing 80% of the time, you will be in good shape.  Watch yourself...measure you against you...and well, trust in the process.  It is a fantastic journey and one...that little did I know, would change my life forever....

Until next time, thank you for your time and attention.
My name is Rich, I am here to help.


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