
The Ultimate Choose Your Own Adventure

Do you remember as a child reading these books?  They were paperback and the premise of the book was choose your own adventure.  The book would start off with a general story and then you get to a spot where you had 2 choices, at least, to make.  You would make your choice and go to the page corresponding and the story would continue.  Based on your choices, you would get a certain outcome.  Sometimes the outcome would be good, sometimes it would be no so good.

Life is a lot like the choose your own adventure.  Here in the United States, and I am sure in other countries as well, we have the unique opportunity to basically do whatever we want with out life.  It is guaranteed to us in our constitution.  The pursuit of happiness.  Does not mean we will get there, but we have the right to pursue it.

There have been a couple things in my life that were true blessings.  They sort of landed in my lap, but it was still my choice to roll with them.  One of the great blessings in my life was The Austin Dam Show.  I started going to this show as a food vendor and worked my way onto the association in charge of the show.  I worked with the executive director to help get things accomplished and eventually the show was given to me when he took an opportunity away from this area.  That that junction I had 2 paths or 2 pages in my "Choose Your Own Adventure" story.  Take on the show or give it up to someone else.  So...I took it.

There wasn't any grand reasoning behind taking on the show other than I felt it needed to be done.  There are a lot of people that come to the show and it didn't look like anyone was going to take on the responsibility of doing it.  I will tell you this, it wasn't the easiest time in my life.  I had a lot of turmoil going on...But, I had made a decision.  Little did I know what I had in store.

By flipping to the "Do The Dam Show" page in my story...I met a lot of really, really awesome people.  The first year I took it on was 2016.  It also happened to be the first year we were going to roll out the new direction for the show which would a tribute show entitled "Class Rock By The Classic Rock".  The Dam Show takes place by some dam ruins in the small PA town of Austin...hence the classic rock reference.  So this generated a lot of traffic.  We did a big marketing push through social media and wound up tripling the amount of guests we usually have.  In the truest nature of most things I take on in life, it was the perfect storm...and I was right in the middle of it.

To save breath, I will just say...It went as well as it could.  I got about 6 hours of sleep all weekend.  People that were supposed to help bailed...the bathrooms backed up on the last day...It was just incredible...and I was incredibly tired by the end of it and just...not sure if I even wanted to ever do it again.

Suffice to say...I am headed into my third year of doing the show.  The 2017 show was a great success.  In the meantime, I have nurtured some of the relationships I formed doing the show and I have some really great, consistent help now.  I really feel this was a life changing page turn for me...and I will am forever grateful for the opportunity.

I guess in conclusion....say "Yes"...

As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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