Inspiration or desperation?

Change happens.  You cannot avoid it.  I mean, I suppose you could.  We could put you in a corner and feed you the same meal 3 times a day.  Keep you safe and warm...but what kind of life would that be?

I do and have done a lot of different things in my life.  I am a live performance artist.  I do acoustic folk covers and originals.  I have been a fire breather/eater.  I run a music festival, served on public boards, ran restaurants, opened restaurants, designed bars.  In high school I was in marching band and helped start the high school's first indoor percussion program.  For me, it has never been enough to sit on the sidelines.  I want to be in the arena...in the thick of it.  Why watch the show when you can be the show?

I did a lot of open mics and live performances in my 20s.  Never thinking too much of it.  It was fun...and there was free booze.  It was always crazy to me to sit in front of people, drink for free, and at the end of the night instead of paying a bar tab, they paid you.  I got along with that really well.  I got into the DJ business and did that for  years too.

But anyway, onto the point of this entry.  When is enough, enough?  I can't really pinpoint one particular event that changed everything for me.  I remember a few points where the realizations started to hit.  There were times where I started getting things together and it would all just fall apart or I would find an excuse to quit.

There was a time when I was standing in my then living room of my marital home and staring at my surroundings.  My father was living with us at the time.  I was just having one of those moments...one of those "I've had it" moments.  I must have had a look on my face or I remember just standing there shaking my head back and forth in a "no" motion...almost in disbelief of what I had let my life become.  My father asked me "What?"  I replied, "Never again."...."Never again what?" he asked...."Never again will I live like this."

It was during this time that I was really getting things rolling, so to speak.  I was heavy into weight loss, I was serving on the tourist board, meeting new people, and attracting some really cool people doing really cool things...and I was one of those people.  It was awesome.  I was out in the world making changes and hanging with people who did big things.

Many of those friendships I still have.  Some of those things I did, I still do.  Some of those friendships are gone.  That marriage is gone, that hotel/restaurant thing is gone.  But what stayed is the good stuff.  I am so blessed to have the people I have in my life and the things that I have in my life.

Things come and go in life.  Take the good, leave the bad...well, I mean...it is all good...if you catch what I am trying to get across.  If not, I hope that you will, eventually.

As always, thanks for your time and attention.


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