I Have Had Enough of Stuff

Stuff is Never Enough

Throughout our lives we are conditioned to believe that stuff makes us happy.  The game shows on TV show people that are just elated to win a new car, a new kitchen, a new boat, or even large sums of money.  While I will agree that these things provide "comfort", they do not provide happiness...for you will only be as happy as you can be right now in this moment.

This holds true.  In my experience I have been just as happy, if not happier, when I have had less than nothing.  I am far worse off now financially than I was 4 years ago...but I am happier.  If money and stuff were the answers, there would be no millionaire suicides nor millionaire mental breakdowns.  Sure, it might be nice to have all of these comforts during your mental breakdown, but I doubt any of that would matter to you in that state.

For those of us that are going through some trying times, you might ask "How long will this last?"...Well there are a couple answers to that question.  I would offer the first answer as being "As long as you want it to last."  Now, I know that sounds silly and perhaps a little cliche.  I know when I was in the depths of my depression there wasn't a single thing that was going to bring me out of it.  Nothing anyone could tell me anyway.  But, the answer is out there IF we are will to give ourselves up to it.  It was a very humbling moment for me...to say "I can't...I need help."

The other answer is "For as long as it should."  I know for me, my pain lasted for as long as I could possibly take it...For as long as my ego could take it at least.  Once I was humbled, well, I guess it leads back to the first answer.

In the pursuit of happiness, I will assure you, you will not find it in stuff, money, women, clothing, cars, fine wine, drugs, booze, sex, or any of the other myriad of temporary pleasures in life.  True happiness does come from within.  If you can be happy when you have absolutely nothing, you can be happy when you finally do have some comforts in life.  Until then you are just filling the void. 

Do the thing
Get the reward
Lose the feeling
Repeat...ad nauseum

Gratitude.  Be happy for all the things that come into your life, whether you perceive them as good or not...it is all good.

I will leave you with this poem that was written for me and the world in its time of need.

When every night's a long goodbye,
And all your truths are all a lie,
And all your days are days for doubt -
You try to find yourself an out.

When every task's an ask too much,
And all your dreams are out of touch,
And all of your thoughts are fast to fall -
You try to feel a thing at all.

When all your mind to try is through,
And all your pain is all for you -
Today's the day it's time to say:
I need some help
I'm not okay.

And though it won't come quick or neat,
Or all at once, or all complete -
With work and will and time and space -

I hope, one day, you find your place.

-Poem_for_your_sprog  -A Reddit novelty account

As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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