How Do I Deal With Negative Thoughts?

Don't Invite Them In

Don't invite them in.  Think of it like this.  Say you are sitting around on the couch and the doorbell rings or there is a knock at the door.  You standup to answer it, you wonder:

"Who could that be?  I haven't invited anyone over, this is strange." 

This is often how negative thoughts come...just out of nowhere.

You take a look outside and it is that friend.  You know that "friend"...the one that never has anything nice to say about anyone.  You know they are just looking for a wall to spew their negative word vomit against.  Your heart sinks, you already feel low...and then against your own better judgement, you invite this friend into your house...and there they sit.

"Could I offer you some tea?"  You ask, trying to be a good host.

"Tea?  Uhhh, don't you have any coffee?" they respond.

"Sure, I have some Folgers in the freezer for guests."  You offer.

"Oh, Folgers, gross.  Who drinks that stuff anyway?  I only drink Starchucks brand coffee, freshly ground and made with acidic neutral water."

Now you are thinking "Why in the world did I even invite them in?  I should have closed the blinds and locked the door."

Why do we do this with our negative thoughts?  When negative thoughts knock on our door, we invite them in.  We let them tell us that we are too fat for these clothes...that we are ugly, worthless, not worthy of love.

Now...the question do we stop these thoughts from knocking?  We must make them feel unwelcome.  When they show up, we need to lock the doors...draw the blinds, call the cops!  A good way to practice this is when we might have a negative thought...we need to say "Hey, this is just a's not true, I know differently."  Deep down you know you are worthy of love...that you are beautiful, smart, funny, caring.  You bring joy to those around you.

The same as you would do to a person who constantly puts you down.  "GET OUT OF HERE NEGATIVE THOUGHT!  I DON'T WANT YOU IN MY LIFE."

Now, I know in my experience, I needed someone else to tell me that I was worthy first.  I did this through motivational videos.  I will say it...Les Brown changed my life.  Every morning, noon, and after dinner I was listening to this man tell me that I was worth it.  I repeated what he said. 


"Don't sweat the small stuff, because it is all small stuff."

"No matter how hard it is or how hard it gets...I am going to make it."

Repeated...daily, for hours....I had that much negativity in my life.  But I sure as night follows day...If you do this for as long as it takes, your life will change for the better.

Destroy the negative thoughts and change your life.  Start today.

As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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