Give to Live

Give to Live

Throughout my life I have witnessed many things.  The "Give to Live" approach to life is one that I have adopted.  "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want".  If I am down to my last dollar, I shall give it away.  My last bit of food....for it is my belief that he will provide.  What proves this?  I have never gone hungry.  Although I know there is starvation in the world...but there ought not to be.

We are very fortunate in this country to have a vast supply of food.  I mean, there is food the point where we have an epidemic.  But I don't want to get off course here...but then again...I am not sure where this blog is going.


Give to live.  Yes.

Give of yourself...give of your time...give of  your gifts.

Every single one of us was given at least one gift.  A talent of some sort that we are meant to use to serve the world.  There are a couple different was to look at this depending on your belief system.  For me, I believe that God has given me certain gifts to help others in the times of need.  People tend to open up to me and I give them advice with the knowledge I have received through life and through books.  I also entertain people as a folk singer...sharing stories, lessons, and laughter.  These are my gifts from gift back to God is how I spend my life.

Another way to look at this is that the universe is this giant working machine...and in this machine it requires workers.  As we are brought into this world, the universe needs certain things to keep it going.  It needs artists, singers, speakers, entertainers, fighters, philosophers...on and on and on...The universe even needs people to clean up messes.  So the creator grants us these gifts in order to keep it going...and it will continue to put us on the right path until it gets what it needs from us.  If you choose to ignore will ignore you and find someone else to fill the need.

Bottom line is...don't ignore your gifts.  Don't ignore your strengths.  Embrace them!  Use them.  See what the universe needs and see how your gift can fill that need...and in the very least you will live a fulfilling life.  I cannot promise fame and fortune, but those things aren't where it is at anyway.  If that were true, there would be no celebrity meltdowns.

That's it for this one.

As always, my name is Rich Hadfield, thank  you for your time and attention.


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