Don't Run From Your Feelings


Currently I am deeply engrossed in a book titled "Nonviolent Communication" - Marshall B. Rosenherg, PhD.  I  am in the beginning third of the book but the premise so far is that we, as a people, have never really been taught how to express our emotions.  Rather than expressing what we feel we describe what we think we are.  Typical expressions would describe how you feel about the situation...not how you as a person actually feels.  "I feel unimportant to people." describes how you feel about the way others are evaluating you...where "I feel sad" actually describes how YOU feel.  I am only partway through the book and I will tell you I am struggling with it.  It is hard to get yourself to start thinking this way.  But I am told it will be worth it.

Onto the meat of the subject.

Feelings...nothing more than feelings.  Unique to the human condition.  We are the only animals that have the ability to control, adjust, regulate, and decide our emotional states.  The hard part is learning how to do this.  It is quite easy to get lost in the moment and lost in your emotions.  I think back throughout my life and have had moments where I bottled it up.  I will be a "man" and have no reaction.  This is not healthy...not healthy at all.

Now, I am not saying you should identify with your emotions and become them.  You should not say things like "I am sad" or "I am depressed"...More "I feel...."  I spoke on this in yesterday's entry.  This Is It

Feeling allows us to relate better with people and live a more fulfilling life.  How are we able to relate to what a person feels if we ourselves have never felt?  If we deny ourselves feeling the deepest parts of sadness, we will indeed deny ourselves the heights of joy.  To put it another way...the walls that keep out sadness and fear are the same walls that keep out love and joy.  To open ourselves up to be hurt time and time again...allows us to be open to love time and time again.  We always seem to have more to give.  Love is everlasting, it truly is, if we allow it to be.

As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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