All Will Be Good If You

Start On a Good Note

This is a good one...literally.  So, I know in my life I was NEVER a morning person.  It was so bad in my teenage years I didn't bother getting up until noon.  One sure way to avoid being grumpy in the morning is to wake up in the afternoon.  This went on through my 20s where I worked 2nd shift to avoid the morning.  I remember a few times having to battle it out with the lady who cleaned the apartment hall at 6:30 a.m. like it was her religion.  Poor lady, just trying to do her job.

Just like that jerk in the McDonald's coffee commercials....Mr. "Don't talk to me, I haven't had my coffee".  That was me.  Just a bear, until recently.

I have been working banker's hours for about 4 years now.  I have had some success with getting up early on a regular basis before, but it wasn't because I was in a good mood and ready to start the day.  I was forcing myself to get up and go to the gym.  I was still miserable.  How did I change that? took time.

First attempts were listening to motivational videos first thing.  Trying to pump myself up for the day.  That worked for a little bit, but eventually my negative mindset came back in and I quit listening to motivational videos altogether.  My mind had told me..."They are all nonsense"...and I believed it.  I fell back into my bad habits.  Hitting the snooze...being late for work and just missing out on the best time of the day.

Waking up early is indeed the best thing to do.  The best reason is that no one else is up.  You can get quite the amount accomplished without your phone dinging, the email ringing, and the neighbor's singing.

Now, what has worked for me on a consistent basis to get out of bed is this.  Be thankful...when you open your eyes.  Just a prayer of thanks, we have made it into a new day.  This day was not guaranteed.  We don't know what happens when we go to sleep.  For all intents and purposes you could have easily stayed asleep.  We don't remember being born, but I would imagine it feels a lot like waking up...and I know from speaking with people who have had a near death experience...Dying is a lot like going to sleep and not waking up.  So yes, first thing...THANK YOU.  Next, motivational video.  For at least 15 minutes listen to something positive.  A feel good story, a success story, or something that makes you feel good.  Next, get out of bed and start moving.  I usually give out a good war cry "BRING IT ON!"  "Give me your best shot right now...because I am going out there to wreck this day."  Then shower if I didn't the night before....brush teeth...get lunch ready, do the "Your Morning Thought" IG  #YourMorningThought  Share that and get on with work.

Conquering your morning is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, thing you can do.  Start off with a good mindset and you will most likely have a good day.  Carry that momentum.

As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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