All Pain Hurts The Same

All Pain Hurts The Same

Back To The Wild - Langhorne Slim 

Dealing with pain.  This is a tough one.

I can remember as a kid being pretty much fearless.  We used to have a swing set out back, I would climb to the top and walk around.  Cars driving passed would beep, I remember one time a gentlemen encouraging me to jump from the swing set into the pool.  I also recall being taken to the doctor once for falling from the top of the pool ladder onto ground.  It was an above ground pool, so it was one of those A frame ladders with the railings up the sides and over the top.  I placed a piece of plywood on top of that....and in my attempt to get on top of the plywood I fell..directly on my back, knocked the wind out of me, but I was no worse for the wear.

Then there was I used a serrated knife in an attempt to open a milk jug...slipping and cutting my thumb...couple stitches.   The time I ducked under near my mom's pot of boiling spaghetti, dumping it down my back causing 2nd and 3rd degree burns.  I carried this kind of stuff into my adulthood, but never have broken a bone...never a major surgery.  Physical pain has never much bothered me...unless I was using it as an excuse to get out of work...  :)

Emotional pain...oye.  I can still remember my first funeral.  There was a man at our church that handed out candy.  He passed away and my mother took us to his funeral.  I wasn't quite sure what was going on at that point...but I didn't like it.

Rolling on into my teenage years...I took a young girl to the prom.  Things didn't work out as teenage relationships often don't.  She wound up passing away in a car accident.  That crushed me, I couldn't go to the funeral....I didn't want to see that.  I spent the afternoon at the scene of the accident.  I carried our prom picture with me until about 3 years ago.  The things we do as kids...when we think there are no consequences to our actions.

So after that, I had other relationships...young love.  Skipped the senior prom.  Mom up and left.  Just a lot of loss.  Went off to college...5 minutes down the road from high  During that time I had met a girl.  The first love.  *sigh*  If I knew then what I know now.  Oh well, that is life.  Pain, loss.  I graduated college in March of 2002
Off I went into the real world.  We grow through what we go through.  I had no idea what was in store.

As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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