Seek The Truth

Seek The Truth

As we go through life we are bombarded with things that try to catch our attention.  Things that give us hope, things that we put our faith into, things that sell us on the fact that we are lacking.

Feeling bad?  Try this drug, fragrance, food, diet, etc.  Feeling happy?  Enhance your mood with this product or that product.  Point is, when you are operating from a position of lack, you will open yourself up to things that will never fill you.  You will always need more...and more...and more.

This is where goal setting, a belief system, faith, etc are important.  If you have a goal in life, in my case during my weight loss journey...I could pose the question "Is this action going to get me closer to my goal?"  If the answer was no, I didn't do it.  So therefore you have rooted yourself in your truth in your purpose.  This is good, it is good practice.

The only issue is, eventually you will obtain your goal...keep steadfast to that idea and I guarantee you will hit your weight loss goal...but then what?  Sure you can bulk back up...and do those things and keep it going ad infintium...until death.  Issue is, you will get sick at times...other times things will happen in life and you may have to move away from your fitness goals.  Then what?  You have put your faith and purpose into a fallible idea.

I suppose what I am trying to get at here, is that when you really want to root yourself into something.  Root yourself into the truth...root yourself into the core of all belief systems and stem out from there.  You can apply that to all of your goals in life.  Is this moving me towards my true purpose?  In my case, "Is this going to help me spread the word and help serve God's purpose that was put onto me by him?"  When every action is posed with that question, it is hard to make a "bad" decision....But when you do fail...the great thing get a fantastic do over....and a promise to not do it again.  I don't think it gets much better than that.

In the spirit of the season...choose something rooted in the truth to do for the New Year.


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