Make A Decision

Make A Decision

"To make a decision means to cut yourself off from any other possibility."  loosely quoted - Les Brown  "I'll do it or I'll die."

Oh boy....I have had to come to a lot of realizations in my life.  I know when I am able to focus all of my strength on one point, I have power.  I am not sure when I got away from this, well, I can pinpoint certain events that brought me to the point of obesity in my 20s.  I got caught up in...well...having a good time.  Doing what felt good instead of what is good.  Now, I didn't go around hurting people on purpose...but I have done some really stupid things that could have resulted in a lot of trouble.  It is by the grace of God that I type these words and to him that I am whole heartedly sorry.  He gave me this beautiful life and I was wasting it.

Several times in the recent past I have been able to really put myself in a position of making a true decision.  "I'll do it no matter what."...and man, that is hard.  I am here to say...when you make the kind of commitment, life is going to throw you some curve balls.

In my experience through my journey of becoming the strongest version of myself, I found that I had to shed everything.  My entire belief system, my "friends", my thoughts...My life was not working at all.  I was in a horrible marriage, much due to my own fault, but it was things I didn't know at the time...which is my fault.  But hey...ignorance is bliss.  I was drinking to get drunk everyday of the week.  There were stretches of my life where I could not remember a sober day.  Showering was an option rarely taken upon.  I was smoking, waking up everyday hacking, and just...ugh.  When I think back on that lost soul...I felt pretty worthless and my actions followed suit.  But, I always had a pretty strong work ethic...and I rarely asked anyone for anything.  These were the actions of the man that raised me...and I followed suit.  I remember my father helping just about everyone, but when it came to doing things, he rarely asked for help.  Call it pride, call it what you will, but the man got things done...No matter what.  My mother was the same way...maybe stronger.

So when the time came to change my life I just finally had it...and said "I'm not doing this anymore."  I took massive action...No matter what, I was not going back.  That lead me down a path of...oye...oye oye oye....It was a journey.  One that as this blog goes on, I will share with maybe you will find confidence to change or learn a lesson to help avoid some pain.

Final story before we get on with the day.  I was in the gym, as I am everyday...and a guy came to me and said. 

"I am happy to see you." 

"Well thank you, good to see you too." I replied.

"I see you in here often, that means you are consistent."

My reply..."I have no other choice."

His reply  "You have another could fall apart."

Been there buddy....therefore, I have no other choice.  There is no other option for me.  Once you get to that point...things will change for you.

May the Lord bring you strength to he did me.


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