"How are we supposed to fix you, if you won't let us in?"

This is an interesting thought/experience for today.  I forgot to do my morning thought as I am coming off vacation and out of practice.  Christmas was the best I have had in a long time.  Filled with the joy and wonder that this time of year brings.

Onto the subject at hand.  I was at my mother's for the holiday, we had just eaten and I wasn't feeling well.  I was tired because we I had very little sleep due to celebration and getting up to volunteer at the nursing home to help my mom.  I went up to rest in my brother's old room which has become mine.  I felt very ill and visions of me being sick all week were starting to manifest themselves.  This would have been bad because I am out of paid time off due to it being the end of the year.  As I was lying there wondering what my fate shall be I fell into somewhat of a dream state...and awoke to a feeling of floating...which is always scary so I went to ground myself and the voice said to me "How are we supposed to fix you if you won't let us in?"  I said "okay" and relaxed...and today I feel normal.  I can't say for certain what would have happened if I hadn't opened myself up...but I do believe I would be sick.

There is a deeper message to all of this.  If we want to be healed, we must open our hearts.  If we want knowledge we must open our brains.  For a long time in my life I was rooted in such falsehood.  Holding firm to my belief that I was right....and boy, was I so wrong.  I had let other people's belief systems enter my brain and reside there.  It wasn't until I proved those belief systems wrong...did I start to tear myself down to rebuild.  It was a long and difficult process that has brought me right here...and I am sure I will be wrong...and the process will start again.  Take the good, release the bad, and try again....ad infintium.  KSEE....Knowledge Strategy Execution Evaluation


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