Changing Your Comfort Zone

"We are born helpless, how far we go beyond that point is up to us."

I want to expand on the thought of your comfort zone.  I believe our ability to grow and change as a person has unlimited potential if we can tap into it.  Our ability to adapt is what has brought us to this point as human beings.  That being said, there are a lot of things we are battling in our heads that come from keeping us safe so that we were able to move on as a species.  One of these things is our "fight-or-flight" response.  You can see this in animals, in this area in particular, deer.

As you see deer in the wild, when they are spooked they run, but some freeze in place.  Those that freeze usually end up in our freezers.  So think about this as you go through life, what areas are you frozen in and what areas are you running from?  Perhaps it is time to fight.  The question is "How do we get passed the flight or frozen point?"  We have to change our comfort zone.

First step in doing this is to stop running.  Whether it be relationship issues, financial issues, workplace issues.  Stop running, stop avoiding.  Now, the next step would be to start moving towards your edge.  I used the running metaphor in my video this morning, I will link it in the bottom.

Using your edge to increase your comfort zone or change it.  Change what you are comfortable in.  This can fix a lot of things in your life from social anxiety to premature ejaculation.  I will expand on both.

For social anxiety.  It used to ruin my life and I used alcohol as a crutch.  Get a few beers in me and I would be playing guitar, singing, talking with females, etc.  The issue with that is, you need more and more and more to reach the same level...It leads to problems and actually will lead to more and more anxiety over time.  Trust me.

So instead, if you suffer from social anxiety, I would invite you to go to a town maybe 2 hours away.  Somewhere you have never been, where you can be a stranger and if you embarrass yourself, which you might do in this process, you don't have to go back.  I don't want to say inevitably do because perhaps you have a gift you haven't uncovered, but the chance is there.  Go to a public place, a bar perhaps, grab some lunch or a single drink, just be careful.  Sit and observe.  Try and strike up a conversation with a stranger.  If it is women you are having trouble with, strike up a conversation.  Keep it in the back of your mind that you never have to come back here, that these people will never see you again.  I believe this will give you some freedom to be your true self or at least move closer to becoming your true self.  In the very least, if you even have trouble saying the word "Hello" to a stranger...start there.  See what happens.  If you need to run, run. The idea is to get to the edge of your comfort zone and sit in it.  Get comfortable there and increase your edge.

Gentlemen with premature ejaculation issues.  Look into edging.
Live On Your Edge


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