Anything is Possible

You must believe in order to achieve. 

Everything we have on this planet made by man began with a thought.  Ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

Granted, some people had a head start.  Think of it like the old NES and having a cheat code or a Game Genie.  When you were a kid you did not give up playing Mario simply because the kid down the street had a Game Genie and a better controller.  No, you sat down and you kicked the crap out of Koopa with the tools you had available.  You saved that damned princess no matter how many castles you had to crush.  Life is the same way.

Somewhere along the way, society teaches us that it is not us.  We are not the ones.  I am here to tell you that every single person reading this or not reading this was put here for a reason.  It should be our life long goal to figure out that reason.  Yes, we should raise children, have a family, have faith, go to the gym, and have all of those other things that make a life fulfilled for most people.  But, we should also be seeking out our one true purpose.

That true purpose can come out in a lot of ways.  We can have many interests, but they usually circle around one particular gift that we have.

For me, I am a communicator.  I can communicate in many ways.  It took me a long time to realize this and a long time to embrace it.  I play guitar and sing folk music.  I write on this blog which then goes to Medium.  I do Your Morning Thought every morning on Instagram which goes to my Facebook.  I am in the middle of writing a best selling book that will be put out sometime this year, hopefully by the end of summer.

I got into technical support out of college working for Adelphia Communications.  The story of John Rigas was huge at the time, but now has been sort of swept under the rug as corporations are running amuck in our society.  But, I had a gift for it.  I was able to explain new technology to customer's in a way that they could understand it.  I quickly rose to being one of the top performers of the company.  I wasn't able to put it together back then.  Then I realized, I have the ability to keep people on task and lead them into the direction that they want to go in.  A lot of this is my ability to empathize.  Something society is lacking greatly these days.

The point of this whole article is this.  None of us were born without a gift that was given to us by the creator.  It is that nagging thing that we just feel we need to do for some reason.  It might seem small or it might seem so insurmountable that we never even try.  What I would invite you do to is to sit in silence and seek it.  Ask the question, in any circumstance you may find yourself in...

"Who am I and what am I doing here?"

As always, thank you for your time and attention.


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