Watch What You Plant!

We Reap What We Sow

Doing the right thing can be so very difficult sometimes.  I know many times in my life I have been faced with decisions.  Sometimes I have done the good thing and probably a lot of times the not so good thing.  That's life.  If you aren't making mistakes, you aren't doing anything.

I have spent a lot of time in my life living in mostly farm country in Pennsylvania.  I grew up near the city of Philadelphia, but my parents moved us to the middle of a field in central, PA when I was ten, then I moved to God's Country when I was 20.  Spent many summers playing in corn fields and even one fall harvesting potatoes, here is the lesson.  We reap what we sow and usually in abundance.

"How does this work in life?" You might ask.  Well, let's look at a corn field.  We plant one kernel of corn and it produces a corn plant that produces much, much more than what is planted.  The same thing goes for the seeds we plant in life.  These seeds are our thoughts and our actions.  This is easy to see once we take a closer look.  Think about something bad you might have done.  Something that might give you a poor reputation.  You planted that seed and pretty soon people get to talking.  Now, everyone knows of your bad deed.  You have trouble building new relationships, trouble getting a job, you might even lose the job that you have.  You might even have to move to a brand new town to start over because of one poor choice.

We must be careful of the seeds we sow.  Ever notice how the weeds usually grow much better and in more abundance than what we are actually trying to grow?  The same is true in life.  We may plant many good seeds, but we must constantly cut down the old weeds and build a better reputation.

Keep that in mind as you go through your day.  Every interaction we have with other people plants a seed.  Even if you don't like the person...plant the good seed.  You will reap the rewards.

As always, thank you for your time and attention.



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