
It's a Practce of Compassion

What you are seeking is also seeking you. This includes your relationships...but if the "one" showed up at your door...would you even recognize it? Well, the first step in attracting this person into your life is to believe they actually exist. You aren't going to bring anything into your life that you don't believe in. I could tell you a million times that there is food at the grocery store, but until you take it upon yourself to believe there is food at the grocery store, you will never find it...and surely it will never find you. This is true for love. If your belief systems tells you that you are broken, too old, too fat, too good, too not be loved...then you will never be open for love. You definitely cannot receive anything you are not open to receive. I don't know where I am going with this, but obviously I need to go back inward for awhile. Hence the changing of the diet and it's that time of year where I can start wa

Making It Now: 4 Steps to Success

The best time to do anything is right now. Hesitation is one of our biggest enemies in the world of getting things done. For a long time in my life I would put things off until the last minute then scramble to put it together. This can work as some of us work well under pressure, but in my experience a little planning can go a long way. Here are some of my tips on getting things accomplished. Make a list Writing things down takes an idea out of our minds and puts into the real world. This is an important step because ideas without action are simply that..and idea. The first action is to make it real by writing it down. Do it I know I have many lists with things uncrossed. It is very important when you have big goals to break it down into its parts and slowly accomplish them. Big goals can be very daunting. Want to make a million dollars in a year? That seems like an unrealistic goal, but if you could break it down into $2,000 a day, then break that down into selling

Being True to Yourself Means Being Fearless

Got integrity? Integrity means doing the right thing or what you believe to be the right thing all of the time. This means you don’t make justifications for your actions when no one is looking. This is hard. “Oh, no one will be the wiser.” This is in part the reason that religion, specifically the all knowing, all seeing God, is not followed as much as it used to be. It gets tiresome. The idea of everything, every thought, every word, and every action has meaning. Someone is keeping tabs all of the time. That’s exhausting, but there are specific rewards you get from being true. You get to be pretty much fearless. When you know in your heart of hearts that you did the right thing given the circumstances, the knowledge, and the tools that you have at your disposal, there is no one that can oppose you. This also means you can see right through people. When lies and deceit do not exist in your life, if they aren’t your practices, you can see right through them. Th

The Lies We Tell Ourselves

Sometimes we are not okay. We make general statements to be more comfortable with not being okay, but sometimes we are not okay…and that is okay. Throughout my life as a male there has been this stigma of what it means to be a man. Almost stoic in nature and not allowing certain emotions out as being vulnerable meant weakness. As I have gone further into my adult like I realize that being vulnerable is my greatest strength, but sometimes I have some trouble allowing myself to be so. For a man to bear his naked soul in front of others is to allow the world to see him at his weakest. It allows everyone to say “HA! See! I knew he wasn’t perfect, look at all of his flaws.” There are a large group of people out there that love to lift themselves up by looking down on others. I know in my life I have my quick getaways from when I am feeling not so great about myself. I tend to seek outside validation to make myself feel good. I have some abandonment issues the stem

Find Someone Who Loves You For Who You Are

It can be very difficult at any age to enter into the dating scene, but it becomes different as we get older with more complications. Personally, I am 35 and once divorced. It was a very difficult journey to get myself to the point where I am now physically, financially, and emotionally. To be able to get myself where I am a whole person not dependent on another to make me whole. In my younger, egocentric mind I would seek out relationships for pleasure. Something to make me whole to give me what I thought I needed. There is a big misconception out there about love. Yes, it can absolutely be this fairy tale thing where 2 people come together to have this bond. But what it should never be is a knight in shining armor coming to rescue another person. This goes for either sex. But this is important to remember. victim + savior = toxic relationship There are plenty of people that will love you for your money. There are plenty of people that will love you f

I Would Find Myself

In this life we only have so many opportunities to help.  It seems to me that a lot of people are focusing on problems they aren't willing to do anything about or don't have the capability.  I am not coming from a high horse position, but this my take on it. Everyday we are bombarded with what is wrong in the world.  If you go looking for it, it is easy to find.  From the morning news to the social media posts.  Personally, I don't watch the news anymore.  I used to be a Reddit junky, a CNN junky, a weather channel junky.  Drama, drama, drama.  If you would like to know what it is in the news today, I will tell you. The president is going to say some inflaming stuff, people are getting shot, car accidents, murders, molesters, robberies, fires, and maybe someone saved a kitten.  The weather is out to kill us and the sports team you are worried about just make the worst move ever.  Rinse and repeat 24x7x365. My advice? Shut it off. There are too many problems in thi

The Effects of and Recovering from Gaslighting

What if we had to come back and live the life of everyone we came into contact with? I bet we would treat each other a little better. A lot of times we don’t realize the effect we have on other people. From mental and physical abuse…to a kind word or a hand on a shoulder when someone is hurting. Personally I have been in a couple situations where gaslighting was in play. It is a horrid form of mental abuse that a lot of times the abusers don’t even know they are doing it. “Stop overreacting.” “Oh, don’t be so dramatic.” When you know something is not right, they will push the blame onto you or make you feel like your perception is not true. “I would never do that!” “Why can’t you just trust me?” “Do I constantly need to prove myself?” “You are being insecure.” These are all tools of a mentally manipulative person. The effects of years of gaslighting will leave a person unable to trust their own judgement. They will constantly look towards others for guidance b